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Year 7 PGL Residential

Please find updates from the PGL trip here.

Return journey update at 2pm - we have just heard from the trip that the coaches are now expected back at 3.45pm.


PGL Blog
Thursday 11th May

Charlie E
I really enjoyed the vertical challenge because it was an obstacle course in the air and it really pushed me to my boundaries but I did it and was proud!

Howard B
The dinner yesterday was amazing. I had pasta and meatballs then after that we had a PGL tournament which was a mixture of competitive sports!

Siena P-
I loved the abseiling because it was a good adrenaline rush. It was scary at the top because it looks really high but when I was slowly coming down I felt better! Also there was a chick nest up there which we got to see.

Imogen H
I’ve really enjoyed spending time with my friends in the room and also the fact there was pasta in the salad bar in the dinner hall! It was so good as we had so many healthy options to choose from. Plus the donut at the end!


We arrived at school feeling so excited but nervous about who would be in our rooms.  When we got to PGL we were desperate to see our rooms, but we had to have lunch and then start activities. Different groups did different things including the following, abseiling, archery and sensory trail. 

Over the course of the three days we did: abseiling, archery, sensory trail, canoeing, giant swing, trapeze, vertical challenge and zipwire.

There was even a rumour which has been confirmed by the PGL staff, that there is a £50 note in the tyre at the end of the zip wire.  Though nobody got close to getting it! Everyone tried but failed. 

The food was very good and satisfying. Breakfast was a variety of food including: bacon, hash browns, vegetarian sausages, mushrooms and baked beans. We couldn't choose a favourite lunch because at the time of writing this we had only had one. Our personal favourite dinner was chicken Kiev which was delicious. We have had two puddings: jam doughnut and chocolate sponge - yum!

In the evening we did some more activities. On the first evening we had a mini tournament including tarpaulin volleyball and a 1 vs 1 football competition. On the second evening we had a disco! The disco was fun. But very loud and warm. 

Overall we had a very fun and exciting experience. Most of us were in a room with our friends. We all had a thoroughly enjoyable experience!!!

Maisie, Ellis and Zoë