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About Us

Emmanuel Middle School opened in 1988, as an ‘Aided’ Church of England school and in January 2018 joined the Wimborne Academy Trust (WAT) as one of its Church of England Middle schools. This partnership is all about excellence. Taking the best of what we have as a school and building on the excellence of the Trust to ensure that year after year we continue to improve. WAT provide us with specialist improvement services and a family of schools to encourage school to school challenge and improvement.

Rob ChristopherAs a Church of England school we partner with the Salisbury Diocese and our local parish church, St Michael and All Angels, to deliver the best of values led education in a Christian context for all children regardless of culture, religion or disability. Please know that whatever your faith position, a Church school has the highest regard for the uniqueness of all children and, as the true meaning of our name suggests, our mission is no less than heaven on earth for all our young people!


As a Middle School, Emmanuel is committed to serving all the children and parents of Verwood in Years 5 to 8. We are delighted to work closely with our excellent feeder schools to ensure that challenge and breadth of opportunities are sustained through these critical transition years from childhood to young adulthood.  Middle schools offer a breadth of experience to primary age children unseen in many parts of the country. With us your nine year old child will enjoy guaranteed weekly lessons in: Art and Technology, Science, Computer Science, Physical Education, French and Music enabling them to develop not just as well rounded individuals but also experience greater success in their future education. At the same time, we have challenged ourselves to achieve the same standards in English and Maths that schools who no longer prioritise these other areas do. For our emerging young adults, Middle School offers consistency and identity in a time of great change. By Year 8 our pupils know and understand themselves better ensuring a fast start to their next phase of education.

Do visit us to see all this in action!

Vision Statement

At Emmanuel we are inspired to go beyond our own limits

Our Vision at Emmanuel Middle is based on the Biblical text behind our core value of Excellence: Colossians (chapter 3 verse 22 The Message), says ‘…don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best.’  Our vision is for pupils to strive for their best academically, morally and spiritually; in fact we inspire staff and pupils look beyond themselves because so often our notion of what is ‘our best’ is limited by social, cultural and personal factors. Our core values of ‘Excellence’, ‘Endeavour’ and ‘Enjoyment’ are everyday characteristics which underpin the vision of doing our best in every moment. That is why our reward system (see EMS Reward System) is based around these three values.

Our School Prayer

Emmanuel – God is with us

Dear Heavenly Father,

We pray for our school.

We ask you to bless all staff and helpers, governors, pupils and parents.

We pray that the symbol of light in our candle will inspire us towards hope and joy; knowledge overcoming ignorance; understanding overcoming prejudice; trust overcoming fear; truth overcoming falsehood and love overcoming hatred.

We pray that our school is a place where learning and friendship flourish and where light constantly overcomes darkness.
