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Emmanuel Middle School

Year 5 Heatree Residential

Updates from the Year 5 Heatree Residential 

Return Travel Updates - 10/05/24

The coach has left Heatree but is now expected back at Emmanuel at approximately 5.00pm.   We will receive an update from the staff during the journey and will amend the arrival time if required.

3.05pm - ETA is now 4.30pm.   Please can we ask that parents do not block the roads leading into school to allow the coaches access to the campus.   Thank you.

13:30 (7/5/24) - Staff on the trip have advised that they have arrived safely and are just about to enjoy their lunch in the sunshine.

News from 08/05/24

William - my favourite bit today was the rock climbing because I got to climb real rocks!

Eva W - my favourite part of today was going in the stream during low adventure! The best bit was the water slide!

Milah - my favourite part from today was the rock scramble out on the moor! The spaces were so tight and we had to squeeze through them!

Edward - my favourite part of my day was scrambling on the rocks because I love rock climbing!

Sophia - my favourite part today was going in the stream during low adventure and the high ropes! I loved climbing up the ropes and even got to go first!



















News from 09/05

Marla- my favourite part of the part has been enjoying the activities with my friends. My favourite one has been the rock scramble on the moor!

Saul-the low adventure was the best because we were always active and everything was fun!

Zara- my favourite activity was low adventure because we got really wet going in the stream

Rocky-my favourite part has been the hiking bit because we got to scramble around on the rocks!

Harry W- the hike on the moor has been my favourite because I burnt off a bunch of energy and got to spend a lot of time with my friends. 

Darcie R- my favourite bit has been going in the river during low adventure because we got to get really wet going down the slide!

Jack K- my favourite bit so far has been going in the water during low adventure. I give Heatree a 9 out of 10!!

Josef- my favourite bit has been hanging out in the dorm with my mates, having a good chat and eating marshmallows. It was such a happy time! I also enjoyed playing just dance in the evenings after dinner.