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Emmanuel Middle School

Local School Committee Members, (Governors)

Who’s Who of Local School Committee Members

Our Local School Committee, (LSC), is made up of:

Chair of Local School Committee: Mr Roberto Rocca
Clerk to the Local School Committee: Mrs Lucy Bartlett

Committee Members:

Mr Matthew Parker
Mrs Fiona Kusel
Mr Andreas Nasstrom
Father Michael Eaton
Mr Matthew Timmins

Our Chair of the Local School Committee, can be contacted via email c/o our Clerk:

For statutory information about each LSC member, including their date of appointment, term of office and declaration of business interests, please see the Statutory Local School Committee Member Information page.

As a proud member of Initio Learning Trust, our committee is overseen by the Trustees. To find out more about the Trustees of Initio Learning Trust please visit the website or click here to view Trust Member and Trustee biographies.